Tuesday 18 March 2008

Zara And Mike Tindall: A Too Modern Royal Couple?

Mike Tindall, boyfriend of Princess Anne's daughter, Zara Phillips has been arrested for drink driving while driving to Twickenham to watch a game of rugby.

The previous day both Mike and Zara were seen drinking copious amounts of champagne at the Cheltenham races. Mr Tindall was so drunk that he was seen vomiting on himself and Miss Phillip' was said to have been so drunk that she fell of her chair and hit her head on a table. Miss Phillips private detective took them both back to her house on her mothers Gatcombe estate.

The couple, who have been dating since they met at a rugby game in Sydney in 2003 seem to be solid. There are no rumours of relationship difficulties and adultery. However, the amount the two drink is said to be worrying.

I appreciate that Mr Tindall and Miss Phillips are still young. But being born royal (even if you don't have a royal title) does come with responsibility as much as the person may not like it. She may not be as much a public figure as her more media friendly cousins, but, she is still representing the most powerful family in Britain.

I shall imagine that HM will not be too pleased to see such stories about her granddaughter become public. I'm sure she also feels as though she has had more then enough of the drinking culture around William, Harry and Princess Beatrice.

I am slightly disappointed. I thought that Zara was more grounded then this. Having a drink is fine, every one does at the races, but drinking to excess is not appealing and when your a royal, even a minor one, it will always make the papers.

I admire Zara. Her achievements in her chosen sport are inspiring. Please don't go down the route that your cousin Harry has Zara, where every good act, every achievement drowns amongst the negative stories of drunken behaviour. Your better then that.

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