Friday 21 December 2007

Beatrice Showing Signs Of Being A Diva?

Apparantly being a Princess is not enough for nineteen year old Princess Beatrice. Now she is, accroding to reports, turning into a bigger diva then Mariah Carey.

While spending a night in London's hottest club, Mahiki (a favourite of Prince's William and Harry and their partners) Beatrice was said to have stomped over to a young girl who was sitting at her favourite table and told her to 'move'. The lady, and her friends, were so shell shocked they just upped and left. The Princess, who is turning into quite the social butterfly, is putting 'noises out of joint' all over London as she is becoming more famous and recognisable.

Looks like that famous, down to earth parenting that both Andrew, and in particular, Fergie like to boost about has not been as successful as first thought.

A Princess she may be, but she seems to lack even basic manners, despite the money ploughed into her education and upbringing.

I think this is only going to get worse.........

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